niedziela, 3 czerwca 2012

There~ Few Wips and old sketches to my dreams

All rights reserved. Please don't use any of my arts without my permission D:
My Da>

niedziela, 27 maja 2012

 Made more sketches in my sketchbook this week. Sorry for the quality >.> It's to huge to scann it all. I use black pen for all my fast sketches '-' who cares about mistakes.

digimon ~ lawl

Also  some color stuff from last week

 'Delusion' Wip



niedziela, 20 maja 2012

Some unfinished stuff which I made this last week. To many ideas. Anyway,  most of them are sketches. I keep every single sketch  on many layers in one psd  file. I can redraw  or merge them  for another work.

starting with the raw poses for  'Desire'

 corpses ._.
 Tried some sitting poses too. I like them a lot,  hopefully I can fit them into other composition

From the previous poses made this random art.

And also 'Fabulous'

 moar other stuff ~

'Cookie Thief'

My DA>
 All rights reserved. Please don't use any of my arts without my permission D:

wtorek, 8 maja 2012


Special winning prize for EvelynNightingale winner of my 'Spring's Give away'
[check my da for details]

Evelyn's request was a drawing of her DnD Oc character named Evelyn - an archmage and storm sorceress who loves books and knowledge. She wanted the mage  in chain armor.

I started with this pose, added even some textures. All I wanted to draw was - a girl casting some storm. I often draw first idea and then let it leave for few hours :I Good I droped this one, looked for me to stiff and plain.

New canvas and new point of view. Decided for portrait which gives better feelings. Also from the very begin i knew i will play with the lightning. That's why i didn't bother to add all details at the corners. For background I used my little landscape thumbnails. For better motion I rotated a  bit the drawing and added  the hair movement. The design for armor didn't change that much.

Once I finish the gray scale drawing I add bunch of layers with colors and blending modes. You can check my small tutorial of such coloring below [linked].

środa, 2 maja 2012


Special winning prize for SeraphitaJibrille, winner of my 'Spring's Give away'
[check my da for details]

She asked me to draw her OC nereid named Jibrille. 
I made few different versions :'D wasn't sure which one is the best. 

Started with this one. And almost at the end i realized it's not good enough :I  Seraphita wanted a strong female character and mine  wasn't  serious. So trashed et and started new yet based on the idea I had here.

work in progress
Pour- finished version

 Played a bit with the back light *o*

Adding also different color layers. 

SeraphitaJibrille  Fashion blog>